Mousseline cream

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Like diplomat cream, mousseline is a derivative of crème pâtissière. The main difference from crème pâtissière is the butter, which can be added as it is (half hot, half cold) or as a buttercream. Because it’s beaten for several minutes, the mixture takes on a lighter, more airy texture.

Mousseline is the cream that goes into Paris-Brest desserts. It can also be found in desserts that use genoise sponges, such as strawberry cakes, and other choux pastries. Learn how to make a mousseline cream and a Paris-Brest cream like a Valrhona chef.


Mousseline cream recipe

Our chefs have prepared a mousseline cream recipe using buttercream and crème pâtissière. What follows is a classic recipe, as well as some adaptations to make a salted praliné mousseline cream. All you have to do is add rum for a delicious Paris-Brest cream.

Mousseline cream ingredients

In this recipe, you will need the following ingredients for the crème pâtissière:

  • 320g full-fat milk
  • 60g egg yolks
  • 50g sugar
  • 30g cornstarch

You will need the following ingredients for the buttercream:

  • 185g sugar split into 2 portions: 105g and 80g
  • 30g water
  • 55g egg whites
  • 80g full-fat milk
  • 60g egg yolks
  • 255g unsalted creamed butter

As is often the case in pastry-making, the basic mousseline cream can be flavored with vanilla. Simply split a vanilla bean in half and add it to the milk as soon as you start preparing the crème pâtissière. You can also opt for vanilla powder.

Preparing the mousseline cream: the crème pâtissière

Let’s start with the crème pâtissière. You can, of course, prepare it a little in advance, as long as you keep it chilled. It must be thoroughly chilled when the buttercream is added.

  1. Heat the milk in a saucepan to bring it to a boil.
  2. At the same time, blanch the egg yolks away from the heat.
  3. Add the sugar and whisk it in vigorously.
  4. Stir in the cornstarch and mix until smooth.
  5. Take it off the heat and gradually pour half the boiling milk into the egg, sugar and starch mixture.
  6. Stir so that the other ingredients warm a little.
  7. Gradually stir in the remaining milk.
  8. Heat your crème pâtissière until it boils, stirring all the while.
  9. Boil for at least 2 minutes.
  10. Remove the pan from the heat.
  11. Pour your crème pâtissière into a cold container.
  12. If necessary, cover the cream’s surface with a thin layer of melted clarified butter.
  13. Cover your container with plastic wrap and place it in the refrigerator.
creme pati vanille

Preparing the mousseline cream: the buttercream

Buttercream can be made in many ways, as a syrup, custard and so on. In this version of buttercream, you will start by making an Italian meringue, which you will add to the rest of the mix at the end.
1. Make an Italian meringue with the first portion of sugar (105g), water and egg whites.
2. Set aside your Italian meringue in the refrigerator.
3. Heat the milk in a saucepan to bring it to a boil.
4. Meanwhile, off the heat, mix the egg yolks with the second portion of sugar (80g).
5. Without putting the pan back on the heat, combine the boiling milk with the egg yolks.
6. Pour the mixture into the pan and put it back on the heat, whisking all the while.
7. When the temperature reaches 185°F (84°C), pour the contents of the saucepan into the bowl of your stand mixer and whisk until cool.
8. Add the creamed butter and mix it in.
9 Add the chilled Italian meringue and mix again.
10. Use immediately or cover your container with plastic wrap.

Incorporating the crème pâtissière into the buttercream

Now that your crème pâtissière and buttercream are ready, it’s time to bring them together.

  1. Loosen the crème pâtissière using a flat whisk.
  2. Whisk the buttercream until smooth.
  3. Incorporate the crème pâtissière into the buttercream.
  4. Mix together.

As you’ve made an Italian meringue buttercream, your mousseline cream should be airy enough that you don’t need to whip it.